AD ID: 120114
Wholesale Business 2 Business Business for Sale Noosa QLD
$90k Net Profit 10-15 hours/week Import - Wholesale - Business 2 Business

Why buy this Wholesale Business 2 Business Business
Wholesale Business 2 Business Business for Sale Noosa QLD Asking: $160,000 includes $160,000 stock at cost
Perfect Lifestyle Business for YOUR Dream Sunshine Coast LifestyleImport - Wholesale - Home Based - Part-time
Business to Business - no dealing with the public
Great income for little effort
Plenty of opportunity to grow... the choice is yours?
$160,000 price INCLUDES $160,000 stock at cost*
Relocatable Import wholesale business that is easy to run with existing high-quality products that are manufactured in China from their own design specifications
- All the research, designs, negotiations with China manufacturers and systems have been developed by the current owner, for a well organised profitable business
- Established relationships in China with Quality Control & Export Agents
- Immediately scalable with plenty of opportunity to grow the business - as currently operated by part-time owner 10-15 hour/week
- Great cash flow $$ lifestyle income stream generated by staple (non-fashion) items.
- Quality Designs After years of trial and error and overseas research the owner has designed their products to be both durable and high quality
- Staple Product line/s - No need to follow the fashion trends and fads
- Warehouse Prices - Due to design and research their products are some of the best value and quality on the market
- Generous margins - The sale price for each item allows for a good profit margin but keeps the product at a very competitive price
Sale Price includes $160,000 stock at cost
Make an enquiry and be one of the first to receive the Business Profile
Import - Wholesale - Business 2 Business
(*approx. as at Dec 2023)
For more info Contact:
Natalee Nancarrow
0400 998 446 or 07 5477 5000
Business Brokers Network Australia
Broker Ref: 16528.1
Broker Ref: 16528.1

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