AD ID: 124997
Meat Retail Business for Sale Gold Coast
Large Scale Meat Retailer Business - EBITDA -$1,862,551 -Freehold Rental Income $416,000

Why buy this Meat Retail Business
Meat Retail Business for Sale Gold Coast Asking: Expressions of Interest
Business EBITDA calculated after paying the owners wage of $211,255 came in at $1,862,551 for the 24FY. Long-term Manager in place who would like to retain his position.This Very Profitable Business & Freehold Property is regarded as the jewel in the crown of its industry.
It is available to purchase for the first time from its founding Owner before his retirement.
Make no mistake assets of this quality rarely become available on the open market to purchase. The fully documented business system is unique and sets the business apart from any other Retailer.
The business equipment is state-of-the-art and nothing short of impressive. It took decades to fine-tune and streamline, focusing on reducing staff numbers without compromising volume and quality.
Established in 2009, the business operates from an immaculate 1,016 m2 custom-built facility on a 3,046 m2 standalone site positioned in the most desirable suburb with great access for customers visiting the business.
To state a recent "one-week performance" ending on the 25th of January 2025 we see retail sales in the shop came in at $340,470.00 wholesale deliveries to three long-term customers that week were $8,425.00 Total Sales for 5.5 day week $348,895
The customer count for the week was 3400 people with an average dollar sale of $80 to $100
All plant equipment & vehicles present immaculately, are unencumbered and included in the sale at a fair market value of $1,147,950.00
Factory fit-out would impress the most fastidious purchaser at a replacement cost of over $1.8 million.
The Freehold Property / Shop & Factory is for sale Net rental income of after all expenses $416,000 p.a.
Current Lease term to 30th September 2029 plus 2 x 5-year option periods.
Closed on Sundays and all public holidays, including Christmas.
Total Sales for the 2025 FY are expected to increase.
Enquire and secure your future today, a fully detailed information memorandum with interviews and a facility video tour will be available to qualified buyers.
Business & Property for sale via expressions don't delay this blue-chip business will be SOLD.
Copy and paste the link to express your interest -
For more info Contact:
Dru Morgan
or 1300 577 297
Business Brokers Network Australia
Broker Ref: 23044
Broker Ref: 23044

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