AD ID: 126254
Lawnmowing Business for Sale Melbourne

Why buy this Lawnmowing Business
Lawnmowing Business for Sale Melbourne Asking: $55,000 + SAV
LAWN MOWING AND GARDENING ROUND OPPORTUNITYLooking to change your work life direction! Look no Further!
This easy to operate and well established Peninsular Lawn Mowing and Gardening maintenance business offers a healthy outdoor person secure income, unlimited growth potential, plus a work life balance not easily found.
Established and Trusted business operating for over 44 Years by our retiring Vendor
Gross Income of $100k +
80+ long term and top paying Residential and Strata Body clients
Lawn Mowing Charge Out Rates of $80.00 + Per Hour with higher rates for garden maintenance services
Low Over Heads
Compact Mowing Round
Reliable casual employees available if required
Plant and Equipment in excellent condition
Work from Home
$ 400.00 + per day immediate and secure income
Choose own working hours
Make own business decisions
Healthy Outdoor working environment in the renowned Peninsular region
Work Life balance
Pride of Ownership
Growth potential
Rare opportunity for an outdoor minded person looking to own a highly profitable and reputable Lawn Mowing Business within the renowned Peninsular region.
Retiring Vendor has reduced asking price and now ready to move on !!!
For Further information on this recommended business please contact Select Business Brokers as detailed
For more info Contact:
Chris Keeshan

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