High Voltage Power & Electrical Systems Business for Sale Brisbane
50% Share Sale Brisbane #5789IN

Why buy this High Voltage Power & Electrical Systems Business
High Voltage Power & Electrical Systems Business for Sale Brisbane Asking: $2,000,000
This business started as a specialist electrical high voltage maintenance and testing (Pre-commissioning) company in July 2009, and have since diversified into construction, installation, and rectification work.
The business is a now a market leader in the delivery of testing and pre-commissioning for large plants and facilities, mine sites, gas plants with projects that have employed up to 100 people with multimillion dollar turnover. It provides maintenance services to plants, facilities, buildings, shopping centres, timber mills, sugar mills, power stations, water treatment plants, ports, theme parks, tunnels. As well as construction, rectification and maintenance work on projects from small to multimillion dollar projects.
This is a significant opportunity, to acquire a 50% ownership
* Sales for 2024, in excess of $7.3 million, and steadily increasing,
* Consistent high net profits,
* Core group of permanent highly qualified technicians and managers,
* Brisbane based, servicing nationwide clients on long term contracts, and
* Significant growth area of the economy with significant future power and electricity distribution projects.
This business offers a major opportunity to an organisation or company looking to enter the low, medium and high voltage electricity sector as well as providing growth through acquisition or as diversification strategy to an organisation looking to take advantage of the opportunities offered in this industry sector. With one of the founding directors retaining their shareholding and acting as Managing Director, providing stability and risk mitigation for a new business partner.
$2,000,000 for 50% share holdin
To find out more information about this business, please complete the confidentiality agreement quoting reference number: 5789IN.
Broker: Hugo Martin| E: [email protected]| P: 0411 617 140
Head Office| P: 07 3368 4010| E: [email protected]