AD ID: 40184

Building System Business for Sale Melbourne

$550,000 AUD

Australian Regional Master - Leading ICF Building System

Building System Business for Sale Melbourne

Why buy this Building System Business

Building System Business for Sale Melbourne Asking: $550,000 AUD

This is a unique and exciting opportunity for building product sales professionals and/ or those energised by involvement in the construction industry. 

Acquire a Regional Master Licence (incorporating the territories of Queensland, New South Wales, Victoria & Tasmania) to distribute the most advanced and cost effective insulated concrete framework (ICF) product range available in Australasia.

ICF's are a modern, superior, building framework system consisting of hollow, light weight “stay in place” forms made of two Expanded Polystyrene (EPS) panels, which are connected by polypropolene webs. During construction, the forms are stacked to the desired height then filled with reinforced concrete making stable, durable and sustainable walls that provide astonishing levels of thermal and sound insulation. The reinforced concrete core provides incredible strength, meeting Australian & New Zealand standards for reinforced concrete and the system can be utilised for a vast variety of architectural design concepts.

ICFs are revolutionizing the global residential, commercial, institutional and industrial building industries. Among the available high performance building systems on the market today, they are rapidly leading the way as the fastest growing alternative for above grade walls.  ICF construction is very popular throughout Europe and the UK and has been growing at 25-30% per year in North America where it is currently used in over 18% of residential constructions. In some areas of Canada ICF's are used on over 50% of external residential walls.

Building with ICFs is gaining momentum over other building methods because with comparable costs, ICFs offer unparalleled comfort (high insulation and low sound transfer), energy efficiency, and safety ratings. It has a superior ability to withstand fire, severe weather and seismic conditions.  It is also environmentally safe and inhibits the growth of microorganisms and mould.
This system offers you a significant competitive advantage in this market space through better insulation factors, faster construction time and superior formwork strength. Ideal for both residential and commercial projects and where structural integrity is required. It also provides the perfect platform to address Australia's desperate need for affordable, quality housing and resistance to earthquakes, fire and other natural tempest. 

As part of its expansion plans the vendor is looking to appoint a Regional Master Licence (for the the territories of Queensland, New South Wales, Victoria & Tasmania) owning the exclusive rights to appoint sub licensses and / or distribute this building system throughout these states. Other licensees are also offering a very profitable installation service.

Support & Training- As a licensee you will be provided with comprehensive initial and ongoing technical assistance and support, technical manuals as well as the onsite training required during your first and subsequent installation, to ensure you are competent and confident in its application. You will also become part of a mutually supportive network working together to increase sales and maintain a strong brand image. 

All this with no ongoing licence or marketing fees and only modest equipment and working capital requirements. 

On application you will also be able to utilise the systems business simulator to help assess local market potential. 

Licensing Fee : AUD $ 350,000
Initial Inventory: AUD $ 200,000

Total Cost : AUD $ 550,000
For more info Contact:

Ivan Tava

027 288 8855 or 09 442 1821
Divest Business Sales
Licensed REAA 2008
Broker Ref: DV10147
Divest Business Sales - Divest Ltd

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