Import and Wholesale Business for Sale Malaga Perth
Import wholesale 10 years old, owner retiring HS
Why buy this Import and Wholesale Business
Import and Wholesale Business for Sale Malaga Perth Asking: $595,000
Net Profit $ 178,276
This 10-year-old import/wholesale business has continued to show growth in turnover and net profits each year with this current financial year also up on the same period last year.
Located North of the River, it has only one staff member and is easy to run with a simple product range in displays and signage that can be easily learned.
The owner has set the business up in a systemised and structured manner making it ready for a new owner to walk in and continue as he himself moves into his retirement.
With approximately $300,000 of stock included in the sale price this business is ready to walk in and take over.
* 10 year old family owned business
* 100% Australian owner and operated
* Owner retiring
* Increase in turnover and profits each year
* High stock value included in the price
* Full database of clients
* 90% of clients WA based
* Only 1 staff member required
* Well organised and structured
* Easy standard product lines
* No custom designs or sizes
* Room for growth
* Monday Friday, no weekend work
* Closes over Christmas
* No experience or product knowledge required
* Owner will provide full training at handover
* Not location sensitive so can be relocated
* Neat and well presented business
* Simple products
For sale all inclusive $595,000 (includes $315,000 of stock and P&E)
For a full report please contact Helen Sharman
[email protected]
0448 899 947
Helen Sharman