AD ID: 63217
Online Sales of Sports & Outdoor Gear Business for Sale Dawin
Online Sales - High Tech Sports & Outdoor Gear WORK FROM HOME - MBB
Why buy this Online Sales of Sports & Outdoor Gear Business
Online Sales of Sports & Outdoor Gear Business for Sale Dawin Asking: $49,000 + SAV
About the business:The business is a relatively new player in the massive and fast growing high tech sports and outdoor gear online retail space. The business is a specialist online retailer of equipment that engages customers keen to enjoy the outdoor action lifestyle with quality high tech gear used to capture every moment. The business helps an increasing number of the growing Australian market to enjoy, capture and share every moment of their outdoor adventures with quality high tech gear. The current owner recently started this online business with a view to fully capitalizing on this exciting and growing space and is a terrific business that allows the owner to live a great lifestyle, work flexible hours and work from nearly anywhere! It\'s a young business with plenty of promise, already set up for the next owner to take the business to extreme heights!
About the opportunity:
Have you ever wondered what it would be like to own your own business with the flexibility of working your own hours, from nearly anywhere you like and building something super awesome and in an industry that involves an epic range of evolving high tech products that everyone wants? The business is only young and offers so much flexibility. You can chose to run the business full time or work part time to grow the business in your time, your way! The business can be run from nearly anywhere, even your home or on the road while you enjoy your own adventure lifestyle. Easy to operate, great work life balance with heaps of upside.
If you are interested in finding out more about this quality opportunity, visit simply register online for more information or call Ian Jones on 1300 BROKER or 0402 111 500.
For more info Contact:
Ian Jones

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