AD ID: 79591
Mechanical & Auto Electrical Workshop Business for Sale Cranbourne Melbourne
Expressions of Interest - Sale by Negotiation
Mechanical Repairs & Auto Electrical Workshop for Sale (South East Suburbs)
Why buy this Mechanical & Auto Electrical Workshop Business
Mechanical & Auto Electrical Workshop Business for Sale Cranbourne Melbourne Asking: Expressions of Interest - Sale by Negotiation
Not just limited to being an Auto Electrician, this automotive workshop also does mechanical repairs and has it\'s own online spare parts store included in the sale. Situated in the fastest growth area in Victoria with a population currently of 330,000 and an expected population growth of 9,000 people per year over the next 20 years, this business is a great opportunity. This thriving business is seeking expressions of interest and any offer will be considered.* Specialises in modification to custom and hot rod vehicles, 4WD\'s, caravan and camper trailers
* All mechanical repairs from servicing to replacing motors
* Only one other auto electrician in area
* Established in the area for over 20 years
* Up-to-date with new technology
* Knowledgeable staff in all aspects of the industry
* Turnover over half a million dollars annually
* High Return on Investment
* Low rent with long-term lease
* Secondary income from online store
* Great reputation with a lot of repeat business and referrals
* Great opportunities for growth
To register your interest and receive a copy of the Business Profile, please complete the enquiry form.
* Please note that photos may not be representative of actual business
For more info Contact:
Stu Brien

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