AD ID: 81518
Body Corporate Maintenance Business for Sale Coolum Beach QLD
Perfect for Father & Son or 2 x Mates - Maintenance, First Time Offered for Sale Est. 28 yrs

Why buy this Body Corporate Maintenance Business
Body Corporate Maintenance Business for Sale Coolum Beach QLD Asking: $159,000 WIWO
Body Corporate Maintenance with great profit from 35 + body corporate complexes.Once in a blue moon we come across a business that has supported the current owners for more than half their working life - 28 years. Could easily be expanded with extra full-time owner or employee(s) to service extra properties
Semiretirement is looming and the plan is, to hand over the reins to a WORTHY BUYER. A buyer who will maintain and care for the 35 + complexes like their very own backyard.
Do you have what it takes to be the LUCKY new owner?
Majority of Body Corporates are very long-term clients and are located within a tight service area from Coolum Beach to Mooloolaba. Servicing includes lawns, gardens, pools and common areas. Current owner has a very well organised servicing schedule and is offering an extended hand-over to ensure a smooth transition for the fortunate buyer.
For more info Contact:
Beatrice Borns
or 0402 972 763
Business Brokers Network Australia
Broker Ref: 74253
Broker Ref: 74253

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