AD ID: 93477
Metal Roofing Contractor Business for Sale Newcastle Region
Metal Roofing Contractor with Strong Sales and Profits - Newcastle Region

Why buy this Metal Roofing Contractor Business
Metal Roofing Contractor Business for Sale Newcastle Region Asking: $219,000
- Busy metal roofing contractor\'s business for sale operating in the Newcastle/Lower Hunter, Port Stephens and Central Coast region.
- Business has traded with the same owner since 2000 who has built up a very loyal customer following through providing superior customer service.
- Work is a combination or residential (new roofs and re-roofs) and commercial work.
- Full financials and trading history available which show good sales and profits.
- Home based business with long serving, dedicated staff in place.
- Extensive database of customers.
- Opportunity to take business to the next level by employing another crew as there is no shortage of work.
- Owner wishing to retire.
- This business provides a working owner a solid return on investment and is priced to sell.
- Two late model Toyota Hilux Utilities are included in the sale price.
ASKING PRICE: $219,000 Including Stock and 2 Vehicles
For further information, please contact James Taylor
m: 0447 273 287
e: [email protected]
For more info Contact:
James Taylor

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