AD ID: 94045
Bar Restaurant and Bottle Shop for Sale Brisbane
Multiple revenue streams.... Serious hospitality buyers encouraged AO

Why buy this Bar Restaurant and Bottle Shop Business
Bar Restaurant and Bottle Shop for Sale Brisbane Asking: $1,200,000
Arguably one of Brisbane\'s best locations this bar/restaurant/bottle shop is primed and ready for new owners. This is the best opportunity of 2020, and will not come around again.Extremely strong trade and customer exposure, due to reputation and location.
Dedicated, competent and professional staff in place for easy take over.
Sales increasing drastically, with no visible signs of pulling up
Sales in excess of $60k per week
Rent sitting at 8% of current turnover
Long lease until 2028
Beautifully presented, this inner Brisbane venue is the jewel in the crown and will be the envy of all your friends.
For more info Contact:
Ali Orchard

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