Have you what it takes to be a successful small business owner

Have you got what it takes to be a successful small business owner

Richard Branson left school at 16. He didn’t need a first class business degree to build his billion dollar empire, so what was it that got him where he is today (probably sailing round his private island home)?

There are many things that make a successful business, such as a good reputation, healthy profits, efficient processes, good cash flow, and demand for your product or service. But there is one thing that influences all of these markers of a financially sustainable business – the human at the helm.

No matter how great demand is for your product or service, small business success actually has more to do with the person running the show than with the product or service itself.

So what does it take to succeed in small business? We’ve taken a good look at all the shining small business lights out there to see what they have in common. Read on to find out if you’ve got what it takes…

To suceed in small business - have you what it takes?


Finally, we were also surprised by what successful business owners don’t need – a high achieving school record. Richard Branson didn’t have one. While having the traits above is still no guarantee of success, one thing’s for sure, they will take you much further than your old exam results will.

If you think you’ve got what it takes, find out more about what owning a small business is really like.

Check out some of our Australian Business for Sale opportunities.


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